Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eh??!x kan everybody in this world carries an apple their hand, bag, handbag or whatsoever.logical fallacies ney.x logic.karut.merapu.etc.*SIGH*..Bukan2..pragmatic ak d sini ialah,


If a person carries a bad and stinky apple, therefore his memory isn't that good.

If a person carries a nice good apple, therefore his memory is fantastic and wonderful.

If a person carries a nice red apple, therefore his memory is sweet.

If a person carries a green apple, therefore his memory is sour or maybe sweet n sour.depends..

It goes on and on with a lot more different apples.U tell me.gaga..

So, what APPLE do you carry??red??green?good?etc..only you know.What is more, u can decide what APPLE you want to carry everyday.

ok.dah.nuni ajk p psr mlm la plk.bye2..

9 bebelan:

Anonymous said...

salleeeyyy.. ni blog ak.. hehe.. bg la emel nati ak invite.. gedix nk wat private kam.. :pp

suhaiLi.suRia said...

oloh gedix teh ae..hik.ok2..dop sbow nk view blog mu ney..ney email ak follow ak tao..nt ak follow belog mu nehss.

kassim Jr said...

how about a rotten Apple?

изззт анвр. said...

must be dirrrtyy

suhaiLi.suRia said...

rotten apple --> dreadful dark memory tht'll haunt u for life.haha

изззт анвр. said...

split personality maybe.

a rotten apple gives life to others.
from another perspective, it's noble.

suhaiLi.suRia said...

sacrificing itself for the sake of others (flies, worms, etc).it's noble.indeed.too kind to others, but wht hv others contribute to it (rotten apple)?"memakan diri" to be exact.

encikzamru said...

yg penting apple itu sedap.jenis ade spesis ape semuanya sedap.epal buruk je tak sedap.

изззт анвр. said...

buah pear lg sedap

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