"Started as a flicker, meant to be a flame
Skin has gotten thicker, but it burns the same
Still a baby in a cradle, got to take my first fall
Baby's getting next to nowhere with a back against the wall"
Today dah 30 Dis..holiday da nak abes pown..tp ak mcm tade pasaan nk blk s.alam..da la umah sewa pown tade lg ney..dwt scholar pn da low..mesti ak akan kne "nyepak" dg ayah ak ney..dan adakah ak akn jd homeless??haish..kalau ak jd homeless pastu tbe2 Tyra Bank discover ak pastu amk ak jd model dy,nak la jgk..tp 2 sume angan2 mat jenin je.hoho..
crdt fon ak pown da low ney..ble plk nk g to4 ney..mmg sgt useless sb skang ak dlm lazy mode..xley nk watpe la.hurm dah la my dad tgh hot 2..dy dok tny ble ak dg alang nk blk ganu..oleh sb dlm lazy mode,nk p bli tket pon mls ney..ak ckp kat ayh arini nk blk.tp tiket pn x beli lg ney..ak rse blk nt msti ak dg alang kne double kick..x pown chopping kick..huish..seram..haha.
aduyai..buhsan ny ari ney..mlm ney igt kne p men boling lorh..kasi cheer up sket.ahah..=)
There's somethg in my heart tht cannot be exprssd infront of u.somethg tht stuck there.if u can reach it, and feel it, lucky u..
Love is "give nd take".i know tht there's a lot tht u gave 2 me nd i just took it.I think it's the time tht i should give 2 u nd it's the time u take it nd feel it.i'm sorry if i hurt u or if i'm cheated before.my bad..
But now I know u nd u make my world goes upside down--in a good way for sure.thank you for that..for making me feel different kind of love.
I reckon my blog as my diary..so i can write everythg tht i wnt 2 write..but ths kind of diary, evrybody can read it.juz like we share smthg..sometimes i feel like naked bcoz evrybody can look and feel my thought.but i guess it's ok..maybe..
Dulu ak kutuk lam hati je spe2 yg suke cte korea ke, taiwan ke, dn seangkatan dgn ny..tp skang ak pn xley nk kate ape dah..ak pn ske dg cite korea ney..kjadian ini bermula bile nuni recommend cte "coffee prince" kat ak..troz hook up disambung pula dg boys over flower..mmg heaven.gaga..
pastu ak plk mnt kat mamat yg blakon lam cte tu.nme dy kim bum.pergh..mmg hbat lakonan dy.my heart melted bile dy senyum meleret.ad plk dimple yg cute miut 2..haish..
Tp dy br umo 2o thn..muda belia ag..jagung manis btol..tp dy xley lwn carta num 1 ak iaitu edward cullen..kim bum dpt tmpat ke-2..ke-3 awal ashaari..dn stroz ny..lelaki2 ensem..yep, ak mmg tmk pon..haha.
haa..ni la kim bum.dy ney actor nd model..mantap btol..sy tao..dy jambu.ap salah ny mnt laki jambu..mmg sy mnt laki jambu..gaga.
Bising plk bdk2 ney tgh maen "nama negeri".alah igt x game kte salu maen time skola dlu..?kite kne list nama,negeri,buah,binatang,etc..igt kn..kn??haha..ak nk tdo pn ssh ney.sore dorg level 14 kowt.huhu..
Tp tgk kat dorang tringat plk zmn dolu2..excited je bile maen dulu..besh je..maen bingo la, SOS la, hang man la, maen "roba" a.k.a lwn pemadam, etc..dah bsr ney jarang plk maen game gtu..ye la..cam buang tebiat je da bsr2 nk men ag.haha..skali skale boley r kowt..ngee..
Erm, zaman skola dlu mmg best..especially primary school.igt lg, lau nk p toilet mst nk kne ad teman..ye la byk sgt dgr cite anto.knon2 kat toilet ad anto xde kpale la..maen kjar2 la..bestnye..pastu ad plk camping kat skola..1st time msk sndiri..dg kwn2 plk 2..mmg fun abes..haha..
Tibe2 cte psl zmn skola plk..haha.ok la..mls da nk merapu.nk tdo plk.tata..nyte2 a.k.a mornin!!..=P
Haha..td ak tgk avatar lagi..duh!..ini smue angkara my cyg..bli tket ta tny dlu ak nk tgk cte ape..kan da clash..dy p ble tket avatar plk.tp it is my fault pn..ari 2 ak p tgk avatar ta in4m dy.hik..
Sbg balasan,ak pretend cam ak ta tgk lg cte 2..huhu..i guess it's ok.lalala..jd actress jap td.sori cyg..
Hari ney p tengok Avatar dg adik n cousins..cte ney sgt besh.ak suke sb berlandaskan fantasy..sedia maklum ak sgt suke fantasy.jgn tny..sb ak pon tatau knape ak suke ngat fantasy ney..
Pandora sgt cantik..ak suke rse cam nk living in that world pon ade..kpade spe2 yg gile fantasy cam ak disarankan p tgk cte ney..sure senyum lebar..hehe..
--next,cte fantasy yg ak nk tgk ialah "Alice in Wonderland"..x lme dah nk kuar..gaga.
wohwoh..besh nye la lau ak pndai magic.pastu bley teleport.pastu ley read other's mind--cam abam edward cullen tu.pastu bley move things without making any effort--just using my mind..
ouh2..dunia khayalan,dunia fantasi ak la 2..hehe..best ny lau ak ley be in the fantasy world.hurm..berangan jap..haha..
tp..lau sume human ley poses power2 tu sume cam x mncabar r plk idop kan??haha..pastu sume orang akn btukar jd gemok gedempol lalu merosakkn genetic.
p/s: ash mesti penin lau dgr ak cter fantasy..hehe..espesially my luvly "earth sea".
Setelah sekian lama ak membobel nk miong--kucing la tu.finally ari ni tbe2 ayh ak bt blk stray cat.dy jumpe..ngeh2..sgt suke stlh 'almarhum' muneh--my previous cat ak passed away.hehe.tbe2 ayh ak jd pnyelmt miong 4 da 1st time.
ak rse hot semacam..haish..nk mnd ah.odw nk p toilet.ak mcm tergamam..sebab??sebab ak tgk kat bilik depan tengah lompat bintang dgn girangnye.."ape kes lak ney..",ak bermonolog..
ak jln lg..blk yg sebelah lg tu tgh pumping la plk..haish..dorang semua pakai bju batik uitm..baju kurung la senang citer.pastu bilik dorang kosong semacam..cam nk balik kg cuti sem dah.apekah kegilaan ini..
sampai kat depan pintu toilet,ade lg sorang tgh pumping dgn gigihnye..yg ke-134 x silap tlinge ak mndgr..ak wt tatau je la.lps siap mandi ak tgk dorang dah dlm keadaan senam diri..
lor patot la..dorang kan palapes..tgh kne denda dgn PUAN..haha..ak kan tggl kat kolej palapes..ap daaa..amnesiac..
Ouh..i got a weird dream last nite..ngee..I dreamt i went to an island for a vacation..spending some good time with my friends i reckon..not really remember with whom i went to that island.On my way back..i saw a man.he's snokerling..after that..JENG..JENG..JENG..he's drowned...but guess wht??he's nude.gaaa...what a weird dream...
time jln2 nk ke clz mandarin td, ak dgr lor cter dr nuni.agk heavenly funny nd shocking.hehe.time tu pkol 3.1o pm.nk menuju ke clz yg bermula kol 3 pm.huhu..sempat je gossiping..haish..sambil jln2 daki bukit (maklumla uitm ney mmg dbina ats bukit pown) kmi brtukar2 cter.tonggek bon**t kami daki bukit.ouh..time kmi berlari dgn liarnye nk lintas jln nuni pn ckp, "ly, mu tao dop kaki ak penah kne gilis dgn kete time ak jln kat tepi jlnraya.." ak pon dgn tbe2 ketawa trbahak2..biar betik nuni??pastu ak tgk muke nuni..serious je muke dy.haish..igtkn dy wt lawak ke ape..ak pn cover blk, "ni, btol ke??abes remuk ke kaki mu??"dy pon ckp, "tatau, tp saket r.."dlm idop ak 1st time ak dgr cter kaki kne gilis dg kete live.haha..nuni2..jln pny jln kami pon sampai la ke clz..laoshi plk tny knape lewat?? (in mandarin lor)..ak n nuni terkebil2 pk nk reply ape ney in mandarin.tnpa ber pk panjang ak troz je meluru ke tempat duduk..lost...pkol 4.45 clz berakhir.ak n nuni mls plk nk trun bukit tonggek..ak pon berkata, "ni,jom kite naek bus uitm r..ltey r nk jln.jimat lagi.."nuni pn rply,"jom!!"..dah la kami x mkn pn lg sejak bgn tdo td..kmi agk kekurangan tenaga batin..miss clz pg lagi.ap nk jd la..hu2..tgu punya tgu kami pn naek bus.tempat makan pilihan adalah d dataran cendekia or lbey mesra dg pggilan DC je..tyme ak nk suap mknan lam mlut tbe2 enset berbunyi (ringtone lagu jinggle bell)..haish..
God, today is not my lucky day. I’m not feeling well as I got flu. Maybe I got the flu because I didn’t get enough sleep. First of all, I didn’t manage to come to the class on time and it brokes Mdm. Norainis’ heart and I knew it. 1 hour late. Perhaps something is wrong with my attitude and I must do something to overcome it and I will try my best starting from today. There are two groups whose present today and they presented on chapter four and five.
The first group is Diana and Nurshaza’s group. They presented on “Identifying Subordinate and Entry Skills” (chapter 4). This chapter focuses on approaches to subordinate skills analysis including hierarchical, procedural, cluster and combination techniques. This chapter also describes the relationship among the subordinate skills identified through subordinate skills analysis, including entry skills. What is more, through this chapter, I know that I must apply subordinate skills analysis techniques to steps in the goal analysis and identify entry skills as appropriate.
The second group which is Atikah and Amalina’s group discussed on “Analyzing Learners and Contexts” (chapter 5). Through this chapter, I learnt the general characteristics of a target population that are important to consider when developing instruction, contextual characteristics of the instructional setting and analyze the general characteristics of a target population. These two groups did a well done job as they can present their content precisely and briefly.
p/s: buntu nk tlis ape.ltak reflective log sudey.gaga..
Question 5: For each movie, give three (3) reasons why the main character committed those perceptual errors.
Catch me if you can
This is the greatest film ever in history as this film is actually adapted from the true story. We only imagine that someday we wish to be somebody else and we can do what ever we like in this world. But the reality is, most of us don’t have any guts to do that especially to forge any cheque in order to earn some money. But there is one person that did all of that in real life. Not in the movie, but in real life indeed. Shockingly, this person, by the name of Frank Abagnale Jr. has some persona to be in various characters that he likes to be. Not only is to be in that character, but to live in as the character is truly exists. Our group reckons that everybody will admire by his confident and charm. The key to his success is that he is actually a sweet talker and he has the ability to attract people’s attention. But the thing is why this sweet person committed those perceptual errors? First of all, at the beginning of this movie, he pretends to be severely sick at the jail located in France. The main point why he did that is to grab Carl Hanratty’s and polices’ attention. Carl is an FBI agent that comes all the way from US to bring him back to the state. Quietly, he disappears from his bed at the sick bay when Carl and the police had some argument. He commits the perceptual errors of first impression as Carl and the police truly believe that he is indeed severely sick. He uses that perceptual error to escape from the jail but the attempt fails. Secondly, he committed perceptual error of first impression when he poses as a new substitute teacher in his French class. As a new student at the public school, there is a boy that bullies him before he enters the class. He wants that boy to get pay of what he has done to him. So he poses as a new substitute teacher. It turns that all of his classmate believe that he is the real substitute teacher based on his appearance, his style and the confident level that he showed. Lastly, he committed those perceptual errors to convince Carl that he is not the real culprit when he poses as an LAPD investigator. His impersonation was convincing because he does it quite well. He told Carl that he wants to transfer those evidences and gain Carl’s trust using his wallet. Carl was fool by his little game and didn’t expect that he is actually facing with the real culprit. He manages to escape himself using that trick. A perceptual error of first impression is involved as Carl’s assumption lead to errors in his assessment of Frank Abagnale.
The devil wears Prada
This captivating movie is about a journalist want to be who lands the magazine job “a million girls would kill for” junior personal assistant to icy editor in chief Miranda Priestly. Miranda chose her because of her brain over her style. She’s bored with the previous assistants that she’s hired. Literally they have the look but not the brain. At first, she fits poorly among the gossipy fashionistas who make up the magazine staff because of her lack of fashion knowledge. They always look down towards her and critique her style. Through this movie, the main character, Andy also committed perceptual errors in her daily life. So, what is the reason of she’s doing that? Initially, she wants to prove to every body that she indeed can do the job by Miranda. The job that can only be handled by a certain people. At first, her co-worker Emily Charlton didn’t believe in her, the unstylish person that happen to work in the fashion industry can go higher in her career. Perceptual error of first impression involved in this situation. Secondly, Andrea gradually change her style by the help of Nigel, an art director to prove that she also can be in that industry and can succeed like everyone else. She committed perceptual error of stereotyping as she sees that this fashion industry only work with the person who poses the style and fashion knowledge. Lastly, she also committed perceptual error of stereotyping as we can saw it when she is in the working mode versus with her boyfriend and her friends mode. At working place he stereotype that once you enter this fashion industry, you must poses some attribute to adapt. When she is with her boyfriend and friends, she think that she also need to fill some attribute to adapt.
ouh x sangka ak tart nenas telah mengubah nuni jd seorg yg sgt kupit.bior pon dy tao ak nd atul sgt x suke a.k.a benci sama tart nenas tp she's still feel unsecure.in case tkot ak nd atul curik2 mkn tart nenas dy tu.hu2 x paham ak.tp ak rse cam nk gelak bsr je dg sikap nuni yg berubah serta merta akibat d bawah pengaruh tart nenas.hak2.paling ak x thn dy limit herself.that is kne mkn sebijik tart je 1 hari.hak2..nuni??apakah kegilaan itu..
hurm..sounds like quarter pounder..makes me hungry lor.nyum..nyum..
haish..actually is pondering to finish up assgnmnt dr mazli tonite..tp i'm in malas mode..kne acquire rajin mode dlu.lau x mampos ak kne marah dg group mmber.hu2.."Ly, jgn mls2 eh.mlm ney jgn lupe tu wat assgnmnt.."upe ny ak ckp sorang diri..naek saiko akibat malas nk wat assgnmnt.npe la sem ney jd malas cam taik.hu2.me keep pondering..
haish..mata..degil.why xmo ttp lg.hurm..luckily skang ak da ad medium tuk expressing my thought.i should give some crdt to akmal asyraf a.k.a kmal_syira for her urge.ngee.lemkiu darl..lg pn ak da la jns ssh nk luah.at least i can use my writing to express them.some je la pon.watpe nk cter lbey2.huk2.ak melalut x tentu arah r ney.rse cam x mnum nescafe pn.tdo pn bkn ckup sgt pn.mata still xmo tdo.ash da tdo keras pon.kroh2..maybe x ley tdo sb broken heartd sket.tp xmo pk.tp terpk sndri..eh..melalut lg upe ny.huhu.apakah..currently facing with somebody's alter ego.ap dy igt..ak pn ad my own ego lor.ak nk tgk lme mne his alter ego will last..huh..mybe i need to move on.bior dy rse..haha..
rse nk nyanyi lgu favorite..(eyes to see by flyleaf) p/s :: boley nyanyi sama2 dg ticer ye murid2..ready,1..2..3..lalala..
I want you to know that I see All the reasons why you fail I've seen all your motivations Ones for good and ones for hell
When you close your eyes to see The truth that's inside me May you hold your breath to breathe Your empty reality
If you had eyes to see Down inside your stomach Then you would understand What I mean Who I am Who I am
I was pouring out of passion To light the step you're on You choose not to hear or waken All thats left is you alone
When you close your eyes to see The truth that's inside me May you hold your breath to breathe Your empty reality
If you had eyes to see Down inside your stomach Then you would understand What I mean Who I am Who I am
You can't limit me With all your gross mistakes
If you had eyes to see Down inside your stomach Then you would understand What I mean Who I am Who I am
lepas ami ciap mandi tibe2 je dy bersuara,"weh ak nk ajop sek mu g tgk mvee,cter the ugly truth.jom!!"..lalu ak dg pantas bersuara lantang,"nak!..nak!"..lala seprti kepeninan lalat.kerna dy br je nk rjin wt assgnmnt.la cmon la tgok,ak pjuk.lalu lala dg halilintar ny amk hp call ash a.k.a kemal_syira soh join skali.ash kegirangan mndgr warkah ini lalu kmi fetch her up at UPM.prjlnan ke alamnda bermula tp sblm 2 kmi g ator ketupat ke rumah uncle lala dlu d kajang,then sepantas kilat kmi smpi ke alamanda.lala n ami berlari beli tket wyg.ak plk kekalutan kerna purse ttgl lam kete.huh..ash jd victim.kne teman ak p amk.soli darl..haha.sementara tgu kol 4.45(wktu wyg ke udara).kmi g la mkn siken rice sopp!(nada sebutan ash)..lps sumer da sendawa terbahak2 kmi g la tgk the ugly truth.ak sgt suke cter ini..bg 4 stgh bntang out of 5.he2..pastu kmi laro..sb lala kne bli panties kat rumet ny yg lalai.ad ke ptot ttgl panties kat kampong nu.haha.apakah kegilaan ini.ak pn jd mls blk ke shah alam sb hri da mlm..tkot kne tggl bus rapid kat ktm shah alam..hu2.bley dop nk stay kat UPM je..:(
This year was the best raya ever.he2.relatives cuti lama.so, byk time ley spend together.suke..sb sempat je wat fmly day.byk mng adiah akibat xtv bersukaneka.ngee.tyme men futsal kaki suda cedera..disepak oleh cousin.hu2.sgt saket.tp tahan je sb nk men jgk.ayh jd goalie..go ayh.mama syima a.k.a my auntie dg selambe ny tanduk bola.fuh..gnaz2..ngee.uncle syed jatuh terlentang akibat ingin mnyelamatkn belon air drp pecah tp akhrny ak mng juge.ngee.gd teamate with ayh..muah.hri raya bley lwt2 rmh relatives yg len.relatives yg bau-bau stokin.suke..ouh raya.
sblm mneruskn prjalanan kmi singgah d batu buruk kerna ami ingin menyerahkan bagasi ny kpd cek ku.
lalu bertolak la kmi..perjalanan terasa amat jaoh akibat jam parok.huh bont**t jg terasa kebas semacam.tapi kami gagahi jua..ami dan lala menyumpah seranah dgn pemandu yg tdk berhemah yg hampir2 ingin accident dg kami..sib baek ami sempat je brake hinggakan berdecit cit cit tayar ny berbunyi.menjadi tumpuan sebentar kereta kmi.hu2..smpi d kmaman ami sudah saiko mengantuk lalu dy turunkn seat pemandu dan berkata,"ly..mu bwk lop!"..terkejut ak dg tndakan pantas ami.ha2..luor kwal soram.lalu ak pon memanjat ke dpn seat kete.dan memandu..drive dan drive smpai ke qtn.ami ambk alih kembali...lala mnympan tenaga halilintar ny dg berhibernating krn shift ny akn tiba sebentar sj lagi.hik2..ak pon ternganga seorang diri d blakang.x thn mata ini..kroh2..sedar je dr tdur lala tgh mnyumpah seranah kerana jam di gombak.akhrny kmi smpi jg pd pkol 11 lbey di kdai chop n steak,serdang.nyum..nyum..kami mkn dg rakus ny..
erk knyg dan kmi blk ke rmh sewa ami..n kroh..kroh..kmi tdo..ngee..
pertama kali menulis blog.minda tercari2 idea.lalu kepala jd pusing ligat bak gasing yg dilempar 120kmph.fuh..mao tulis apa ya?erm..hurm...erm..ngantuk r mao tdo dlu.nt la pk mao tulis ape.. bior sumer org jd penin sb tgk pic ney.ngee..